The Day the Earth Went Dark


In The Day the Earth Went Dark, Xal’s space station faces mysterious attacks, communication breakdowns with Earth, leaked top-secret information, and an outbreak of illness. As Xal navigates interrogations by superiors and confrontations with possible alien entities like Adonis from Creare Compound, he uncovers deeper conspiracies aboard the ship while trying to establish contact with survivors back home. Meanwhile, on Earth, Drake and Charley grapple with societal collapse while hunkering down in a safe-house designed for the zombie apocalypse. They face threats such as power outages and chemical warfare, attempting to reach out to others for help while dealing with interpersonal tension. The narratives intertwine as both parties working towards re-establishing communication amid growing dangers.

This adventure will return on Kindle Vella at a time yet to be determined. Let me know if you’re interested in this story and would like to move up the priority conversion of it!